5 Tips for Hiring a Charleston DUI Lawyer

So, you got pulled over after a few too many drinks and are now facing DUI charges in South Carolina. It’s not an ideal situation, but the good news is you can get through this with the help of an experienced Charleston DUI lawyer.

The not-so-good news is that hiring an attorney can be downright confusing. Where do you even start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind as you search for a DUI lawyer in Charleston, South Carolina. With the right attorney by your side, you can put this situation behind you.

Contact our office for a free consultation today at (843) 277-8711.

Look for Experience in Legal Issues and Legal Practice

Look for extensive experience in DUI law and legal practice. An experienced attorney will know the ins and outs of DUI cases and the legal system. They’ll be familiar with local laws, prosecutors, and judges.

Most lawyers with a proven track record of success will offer a free initial consultation. Take advantage of it! Come prepared with questions about their experience, success rates for DUI cases similar to yours, and the general process they follow. Ask for references from former clients with similar charges.

Knowledge of State Laws

An experienced DUI lawyer in Charleston will understand the nuances of South Carolina’s DUI laws, including illegal per se limits, implied consent laws, and administrative license suspension. They will know what tests officers can administer, proper testing procedures, and ways to challenge test results or equipment.

Do some research on the lawyer’s background, experience, credentials, and track record with DUI cases. Check online reviews from former clients about their expertise, communication style, and ability to get charges reduced or dropped.

Choose A Lawyer Who Takes Time with You

A good lawyer will meet with you for an initial consultation to review the details of your case, answer your questions, and determine the best strategy for your defense. They should take notes, ask follow-up questions, and not rush you through the meeting.

you need legal representation to fight DUI charges

A dedicated DUI lawyer will make you feel like a priority, not just another case number. They will take the time to understand what led up to your arrest and any factors that could help build your defense. Each person’s situation is different, so find a lawyer willing to develop a customized legal approach for you.

Be Transparent About Your Criminal Charges

Being transparent about the details of your DUI charges is crucial when hiring a lawyer. They need to know exactly what happened in order to build the strongest defense for your case. Tell them everything, no matter how embarrassing or incriminating it may be.

Withholding facts and details relevant to what transpired the evening of your arrest will make their job much harder and could weaken your defense. Be totally upfront so they have the full, truthful account of events and can get to work attempting to have your charges reduced or dropped.

Take Your Time Before Making Your Final Decision

Shopping around and taking your time to find the right lawyer is one of the best things you can do. Don’t feel rushed into choosing the first lawyer you meet with. Interview at least three candidates so you can compare experience, expertise, responsiveness, and fees.

Meet with them in person if possible. This allows you to get a feel for their style and see if you feel comfortable working with them. Ask plenty of questions about their experience with DUI cases, success rate, fees, and billing policies. See if they specialize in DUI law or handle a wide range of cases.

At Charleston DUI Guy, We Are the Smart Choice

You want a Charleston DUI lawyer with experience, skill, and a proven track record of success. At Charleston DUI Guy, we have years of experience defending DUI cases.

We offer free consultations so that we can get to know each other and see if we would be the right attorney for your case. Meet with us to discuss the details of your arrest and charges, and we can evaluate your options and the best way to defend you.

Contact our office for a free consultation today at (843) 277-8711.